You can access the session value of any page item in APEX quite easily using jQuery. Session value can be retrieved using &PX_ITEM_NAME. tag even in html code. APEX replace this tag with the item session value. Cool yeah. Recently I have used this for an API call using jQuery. Here is an example –
$(function(){ //get the session value for the page item var web_flag = '&P210_WEB_FLAG_H.'; var web_flag_old = $('#P210_WEB_FLAG option:selected').val(); var sit_id = '&P210_SIT_ID.'; var title = '&P210_NAME.'; var name = '&APP_USER.'; if (web_flag != web_flag_old) { if (web_flag == 'N') { $.ajax({ type: "POST", cache: false, url: "", beforeSend: function (xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('AUTHORIZATION', 'Basic YWRtae32ZGVjLXB2czI='); }, data: { token: "crtrekYPbvw75TrAPm3U", type: "site", id: sit_id, name: name, title: title, action: "disable" }, error: function (er) { alert("Sorry cannot disable the site in remote CMS"); }, success: function (s) { alert('This site has been disabled in remote CMS.'); } }); } } });
You need to have clear understanding about jQuery to use this example as I have not explained in details about jQuery library. You can read more about jQuery in their website.